This show was part of the Mondegreen Festival and was originally planned as two evening sets. The start time of the show was moved to 1:00 PM EDT due to possible inclement weather. Axilla had the Part II ending. Trey and Page teased Mercy, Mercy, Mercy in AC/DC Bag. Mike teased Express Yourself in Stash. Trey teased Izabella in Simple.
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy tease in AC/DC Bag, Izabella tease in Simple, Express Yourself tease in Stash
Debut Years (Average: 1998)

This show was part of the "2024 Summer Tour"

Show Reviews

, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by Phishead23

Phishead23 Phish came out today after playing almost 12 hours of the some of the most expansive and mind blowing music I’ve ever heard them play over past three days, successfully throwing one of the greatest musical events in recent history. The weather looked torrential in the area with storms and floods across the east.

Not sure why the phish net community has turned into such a negative “cry baby” complaint filled place where people are upset that the set didn’t happened at the perfect time or that they didn’t play a long enough encore or that they should of taken a set break. I’m all for critique but there’s a point where it seems you aren’t even discussing music but just finding something to be unhappy about, which feels out of place give this community and message of the music. Imagine how these fans would be feel about the infamous Hendrix Woodstock set! I’ve seen phish about 100 times and the only reason I’m writing this review - my first review - is to attempt to balance some absolutely mind boggling negativity in the comments coming off of probably the greatest phish event of the decade.

The show rocked and I personally had an incredible time dancing as the clouds rolled through which provided the occasional much needed shade. Martian Monster and Fuego were my personal favorites.

If you wanted another phish set, hey guess what, phish is playing again in a few weeks.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by jamburglar

jamburglar Mondegreen was epic. All of the three nights (especially Friday & Saturday) that preceded this show can (and will) stand up with some of the all-time greats. The thing that really amazes me is the seemingly endless ways the band can deliver 5/5 shows. Mondegreen was almost a reverse baker’s dozen in that instead of saying ‘here’s a gag or a theme: we are going play with it within the structure of a normal phish show and still deliver the goods’, they said ‘here is almost no tour debuts and limited interplay with the mondegreen theme and we will still deliver the goods’. Like how is no tour debuts or gags at a festival not stale? Well it’s because these guys have another gear they can go up all the time. They fill familiar spaces with sounds and feelings that are fresh and new. I’m still in awe of the not so secret secret set jam from Friday & disease through carini from Saturday. All killer, no filler.

No reasonable person can blame the band for doing their best to navigate the weather. As was the case at Dicks n4 and Fenway 2019, the band just isn’t built for single set shows. Things feel rushed, the jams feel canned. These shows tend to lack personality. I am as disappointed as the next person that this was how Mondegreen ended, but by no means should this put a damper on what was otherwise an other-worldly festival experience put on by the best band in the game.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by Phishead23

Phishead23 Phish should have been able to change the weather and invent new types of weather prediction so that I could see one more hour of music at night. Not sure when the band got so lazy with this stuff but it seemed like they could have easily done so much more to alter the planets climate. I mean they were able to make sure it was perfect weather for three straight days, I’m not sure why they stopped doing that on Sunday.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by AdROC011

AdROC011 Streamed this one and enjoyed from the comfort of the couch. To that end... I gotta lead with props - because the Phish production team killed it this festival. The sound mix was excellent - crisp and full through my soundbar and sub. The camera work and multi-angle presentation was on point and kept me glued. Watching Mondegreen play out all weekend on the socials - and choosing this show to watch live - was exciting, and instantly unlocked some core memories. It was great to have that nostalgic feel in my viewing mindset - having not attended a festival since Oswego '99, and Lemonwheel the year prior. Some of the best times of my life at those shows. Anyway... with that said, from this old Phan's perspective - I just have one important statement with this review: GRATITUDE. These guys continue to be in love with what they do, on their terms, and in their own convention - and it has moved those of us paying attention now for well over 40 years. The rewards keep coming... each experience fresh... the music still evolving. "(Their) Intent is for (Our) Delight." Thoroughly loved my Sunday marathon set of bangers to close the fest. We appreciate you Phish... Blaze On!
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by DownWithSteam

DownWithSteam Now let's get one thing straight. Mondegreen ruled, and it was probably the greatest weekend of my life. However this show was a complete bummer. Not because it wasn't good, I think it raged. But that this show was a complete and utter disaster in other ways.

The move to 1pm was actually not smart, if you checked the weather at any point Sat night it clearly said barely any chance of rain. And guess what guys. It barely rained all day in dover.

It is such a shame that this festival ended this way. We deserved to rage another set. We deserved to not have to endure this heat at 1pm due to people being bad at their jobs. You can absolutely say it was the safe call but again, all evidence pointed to it barely raining in Dover. Still scratching my head about this all. I fuckinng loved mondegreen and it didnt deserve to die like this. Also 150$ single days for this show is a disgrace. and those ppl deserve some money back. All in all it was a fun short show but should have been so much else. We spent alot and traveled far. And you played 1 song in the encore and it was like 230 pm and sunny. Come the fuck on.

Must listens: AC/DC bag, Bathtub Gin > Izabella, Fuego
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by mindleftpants

mindleftpants This is one of my favorite shows ever. I saw my favorite band, uncertain about time frame, on a fourth day of playing, in scorching heat, play a quality set that sent us off with nothing but happy thoughts. As someone who decided on a whim to watch this matinee from the moon, I was of course mortified realizing this was a single set show. But then we were reminded to keep it rolling as we leave while the party's still fun. And besides, this was day 4 (or 5 if you count Wednesday) - the only way you weren't dehydrated and tuckered out is if you got The Full Monde. Plus, you gotta admit, the boys looked pretty killer in their shades. These four shows yielded buckets of jam charts, it really is no one's fault but yours if you waited until Sunday to really bring it.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by heystranger

heystranger Everyone whining about the show stoppage and saying it wasn’t raining doesn’t know why shows get stopped for weather. The band was in an 80ft tall parachute and by the end of Fuego the speakers were swinging. Had they kept playing, it’s very likely that something could’ve been blown onto the crowd or stage crew. The fact that they had the forethought to move the show at all proves that they wanted it to happen more than anything and by the time the crowd cleared out the wind only got worse.

This wasn’t as good as some of the other sets of mondegreen, but it was proof that everyone involved wanted the show to go on. The band was beaming the whole time and had a blast playing, Martian Monster and Izabella are proof of that. This is Phish playing for fun and just enjoying every minute they were able to have on stage.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by postersnutbag

postersnutbag Bitch and mom all you want but this was a solid set with high quality jams. We were bummed about the early ending to the festival but this Phish came out ready to have fun and it was a fucking party. Party Time opener won a lot of people money I’m betting and Axilla>Maze was electric. People are quick to forget how insanely energetic the crowd was.
Steam soundtracked my journey through the sandy desert that became the water refill station. By the time I got back I was questioning whether it was still Steam. AC/DC Bag dove deep and Timber and Ya Mar were two songs I’d been personally chasing.
Bathtub Gin was a standout version for me. Funkiest version I’ve seen live and we don’t get enough funky Gins anymore in my opinion.
Izabella was a perfect choice to follow. By the time they dropped into Simple, I lost track of how many songs they’d played so far and we got the vibe Phish kept acting like every song was gonna be the set closer and play until they got the call to shut things down. Golden Age was solidly funky and Fuego encore was a great type two cap to a weekend of impeccable
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by wharf_rat55

wharf_rat55 Gonna try to keep this as short, sweet, and courteous as possible.

I was at the whole festival beginning to end and it just amazes me that every night was a solid show. The highlights were N2 and N3.

The weather forecasted was awful and was lowkey surprised we even got a show to begin with-my friend and I debated whether they'd cancel Sunday. So the fact we got a show at all was a win. Another thing was, lots of folks got the day set they all complained about wanting-got it-then complained about it!!! Literally wtf lol.

All I gotta say is looking at the setlist and having seen it in good company, it was a nice lil cherry on top of a fantastic festival.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by CreatureInTheWood

CreatureInTheWood This is only a review for Sunday's show, because it's not fair to compare it to the other three shows at Mondegreen. Also, personally I was working this week and weekend and despite living only an hour and a half away, the Sunday Night show was the only one I could make. I'm an adult and life gets in the way sometimes and you make the best of what you can. I'm very glad I had the opportunity to get to The Woodlands and see one of my favorite bands and the festival the put on for us. The festival itself was awesome, from Questlove doing an awesome set, free Iie cream at Ben and Jerry's, and an experience in the woods that was far too Cerial to ever forget. I wish I had gotten to experience it more, but I'll take what I can get.

As for the show itself, while the band was quite tight and sounded great, it was not the Phish show I came to see. The improv was lacking, the pace of the songs felt forced, and the setlist felt like "These are the songs we would have jammed out if we had time, but we didn't." I didn't see a lot of the expected interplay between the band, and I would have greatly preferred a few awesome jams, or a crazy bust out. Everyone should be honest in reviewing this show in a vacuum that it just wasn't the show anyone came here to see. If you have 2 hours and 1 encore to play, make it memorable, not just a run through of the greatest hits. Both Simple and Gin came in under 10 minutes for petes sake! This is not to say I didn't have a good time grooving to the music. Highlights for me were Martian Monster, Isabella, and maybe Fuego, except that the dark Fuego from 7/29/23 lives in my brain as the best ever. Unfortunately there just weren't enough musical highlights on Sunday. Ultimately on a scale of 1 to 10, this show was a solid 5. It was ok, but it wasn't great or spectacular for any musical reason. Mondegreen on the other hand was an experience I'll never forget.

I understand the weather concerns, and they're probably justified for doing what they did because on the flip side if things had turned out bad, everybody would have remembered Mondegreen as the Phish festival where someone got killed by lightning out whatever mayhem might have occurred, and thank God that didn't happen. More than just the safety of the phans was on the line here, but the thousands of people working the festival from the food concessionaires, the medical staff, security, roadies, cleaners, port-a-pot emptiers, and everyone who made Mondegreen such a successful event deserved the opportunity and concern of being able to get home to their families safely. So thank you to everyone who made it possible, and I'm already looking forward to MPP in 2025.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by pokeythebear

pokeythebear This show doesn't deserve such a low rating. I've unfortunately seen my fair share of one-set shows living in Colorado where lightning storms at Dick's are frequent, and this was by far the best one-set show I've ever seen. It was hot as hell at 1pm in the afternoon and yes we all wanted a two-set show / more music, but there is no complaining with the quality of the music here. That AC/DC bag was killer and the Fuego was the best one I've ever heard, to name some highlights. Super fun to see my first Izabella as well. Lighten up, nerds!
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by Thekwa

Thekwa Most underrated phish show of the modern era. If you listen to this show you will be very surprised. I think this is a top set of the summer. Fuego, Golden Age are the highlights, but everything is played fast and crisp. Maze is extremely well played.

I highly recommend you to really listen to this show before judging it.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by strat1117

strat1117 Like most, I think Saturday was the peak, but I also agree with @phish23 that Sunday was not so terrible as it’s being made out to be. It DID rain, thunder and lightning all around the venue, so those of you who are saying it didn’t must have been in the one spot that didn’t get deluged in the early evening and beyond. They did the best they could with the logistics - let it go, no one is to blame for a difficult to predict weather pattern.

Thursday Friday and Saturday were great, greater and greatest - instead of feeling cheated and getting bummed, just think of Sunday as a nice comfortable victory lap. Granted, it wasn’t the ‘hottest’ set of the weekend, but Stash and Izabella, just to mention a couple, were hardly ‘throwaways’, and while I was also disappointed (at first) when they started Fuego as the encore, it turned out to be a pretty damn good Fuego. Anyway, after 3 days of double black diamond madness, I for one was glad to have a day of cruising the blues for a cool down on Sunday (I hope there’s at least one .netter out there who gets that metaphor). Nothing more than a coda to an otherwise near-perfect weekend, and nobody lost an eye - plus, the people who LOUDLY complained a couple weeks ago about no afternoon set got their wish.

Got home last night (Monday). Now it’s Tuesday afternoon and I’m still basking in the afterglow of a GREAT weekend. I am sorry if you weren’t happy about it, but 98% of the people I’ve spoken to (there and at home) were overjoyed.

, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by lofus99

lofus99 I was not there. I know 1 Set shows are not as good as 2 set shows. NYE 1999 not included. BUT there seems to be quite a few Phish Phans who do not understand how the world works. Ever since The Who in Cincinnati 1979 had deaths at their show, all concerts have to have a very large insurance policy in place or they do not go on. The venue and Muni will not allow it to go ahead without insurance. Well, guess who gets to decide about whether the show goes on or not due to weather and how and when it can proceed?? That's right. It's the insurance company Rep. The band has nothing to do with it and can't overrule the insurance guy. End. Of. Story.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by LefJas

LefJas First, thank you Phish!
This was my first Phish festival and it will NOT be my last. :)
The amount of time and energy expended to create such an amazing phestival must have been many (>5248 hrs). And, it wasn't just music. The various art installations throughout the grounds were so cool to see. Phish really knows how to throw a party! All I can say, "It was an absolute blast!" I'll leave it at this until next time.

P.S. Thanks to the Tram crew that shuttled people throughout the grounds all weekend!
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by NashvillePhish

NashvillePhish Only complaint is that our hotel shuttle left only 2 hours before the set started, which normally seems like enough time. But the venue was an hour away, plus add on a 20 minute walk, that only leaves you 40 minutes of buffer time. We hit traffic, and i knew we'd miss the start. We missed Party Time & Axilla. I knew all along our bus should have left way earlier than 2 hours before cause I knew with the weather, Phish would be coming out right on time. Hate missing songs, and it caused us to be very far back. Aside from that, I was happy.
Love the nod to Woodstock '69 with Hendrix's Isabella on the same day Jimi played.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by AudioFunkDialect

AudioFunkDialect Welcome to four day events in the music world, if they are outside, one of them is very likely to get interrupted by weather, which is becoming more unpredictable because of human activity on the earth. It was supposed to start raining at 1:45 PM and we got lucky and got 2 1/2 hours of music, people are just down voting this because they’re disappointed which makes sense if you have the logic of a child. Actually, if you looked at the weather the night before it was saying rain in the afternoon other places got flooding and damaging winds. It just happened to not hit us so we still got all the music we got instead of getting nothing and washed out completely. Sure maybe some money back for some people does make sense because it wasn’t two full sets and an encore. But just for those that only came on Sunday. For the rest of us shut up and be happy that we got all of the amazing music they provided for us.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by BigOak

BigOak *disclaimer* We had some stuff going on leading into the fest that added a layer of stress to the weekend and caused us to miss N1 and N2 so my experience was definitely a bit jaded. Seemed like we were on our way to salvation after that N3 smoke show. Headed into today with some solid momentum, feeling optimistic that we were gonna salvage the weekend after all. But Day 4 didn’t deliver. It wasn’t so much the schedule change. I know they can’t control the weather. But I can’t help but feel like there was a transactional feel to the whole event. D4 was the Phish show equivalent of a waiter dropping the check off and then running the vacuum cleaner around the table. The fans had served their purpose, buying $18 beers and $26 drinks all weekend. And the band was ready to wrap things up. Don’t get me wrong, there were some great moments on Sunday. But it all felt a little rushed, which caused some weird vibes all around. Trey seemed a little out of sorts. He looked like he was as confused about what was going on as everyone else, including us. His comment about still waiting for the rain to come made us think that maybe they would play a bit more. And then they pulled the plug, wished us safe travels home, and sent us off with….Fuego? I’ll admit that is def not one of my personal favorites but this Fuego was pretty damn good. But it didn’t belong in the anchor spot
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by ocelot22

ocelot22 This is just not the way this epic weekend was supposed to end. If the band KNEW they were on a time limit (which they should have considering they moved the show up 5 hours ahead of schedule) the setlist COULD have been an absolute heater. Sunday could have been something special. Instead, it’s singularly a super forgettable experience. No real jams, no rarities, no bust outs. Even the songs like Izabella and Ya Mar were played the previous weekend! Why not do something interesting for the 40,000 people in attendance? I guess I am just frustrated with this ending. Sorry for the negativity. Peace and love.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by 3420NoD3alZ

3420NoD3alZ Loved it! Between DC and GR we had all repeats except for Tweezer, Bowie, and Divided Sky. I was happy to get some new songs. Not pleased with the short set. Opening with Party time was an unfulfilled promise.
That said, all Phish is good Phish!

Security at this venue were a bunch of thieving thugs.
The infrastructure does not support our fan base well IMO.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by PrimuSucks

PrimuSucks Here's the thing... Im not complaining about the festival as a whole, but this day was completely a legendary bust to cap off an otherwise sweet weekend. Which is a huge bummer especially considering that curveball was like a complete disaster, but at least it was the state government shutting it down... this was Phish looking out for our/safety almost too much and it was an enormous mistake. I understand starting at 1pm, but they should have played a longish 1st set and taken a "set" break saying they'll be back in a few hours weather permitting, taken a long break checked the weather and then played a second set if the weather held up. They could've gone on at like 6ish played til sunset and even done a fireworks display maybe. This didn't feel like a festival ending at all. I was there during this set and I was loving it, the songs and jams were good, but I imagined then that even if the weather got bad we were gonna try and rage the best we could, instead I followed directions and am back home in NYC instead of raging and celebrating a great festival... like what an absolute joke. We were adults, we all were ready for bad weather, we could've followed directions. It's insane that what shoild have been such an amazing 4 night festival was instead a 3.5 day festival concluding prematurely and therefore will always be my least favorite show. Blown opportunity, tell us we you are closing the concert field and evaluating weather and prepare to shelter in place and I'd the weather holds up YOU PLAY THE SECOND SET ESPECIALLY AT A FESTIVAL?!?! We are at a festival to rage... thats rock and roll, not rushing out of our campsites at 6pm with our tails between our legs. People were willing to deal with weather if you warn them, if you warn people they can leave if they think it's a good idea if it might rain alot or stay if they are willing to get muddy and hunker down! To me it just means to alter your expectations, because that was not as advertised as a weekend in my estimation based on the choices made on how to handle this last day show. And it sucks so much worse because they were playing amazing! And still could've planed to end the day best case scenario by sunset and play two sets, it's a tough one to swallow.
, attached to 2024-08-18

Review by evmocas

evmocas I would postulate that had I not been at all three nights of Bethel (it was less than one full week when Sunday wrapped up), I could rate this "festival" higher. SO many repeats of Bethel, many of which was superior in Bethel. Listen to KDF Bethel v Monde. Fuego Bethel v Monde (plus not closing out a festival with a very polarizing song . . . I love it, but you know, I'm a dad and bring my adult children with me). Things already started getting wonky when time were pushed to 6:30 instead of 7:30, thus lights were not at their fullest capacity until dark. But when every show except the "Secret Set" (which was glorious if you are a keys/synth guy) ends at 11;00 PM sharp . .. on a Friday . . . on a Saturday . . *at a festival*? All attractions were inside the gate (you could only get in 90 minutes early), and shut down immediately upon the boys going on stage. They were not open after. IDK. I wish I had gone to Bethel, skipped Monde and go to Dicks, as I'm breaking my Dicks streak because of the tightness of the schedule. At any rate, the up side is that there were a lot of very, very happy people. And there was very good company. And, all things reconsidered, I was at home by 8 PM and slept in my bed lat night. So, I have that going for me in the after life.
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